UFD Campaign Director Stasha Rhodes: “Powerful right-wing donors like Leonard Leo and his Federalist Society aren’t waiting till the next election to implement their radical, right-wing vision for our country: they’re hard at work right now moving it through our judicial system”

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in SEC v. Jarkesy. Stasha Rhodes, Campaign Director of United for Democracy, issued the following statement on the potentially destabilizing effects of this case and the direct line from the fringe Fifth Circuit to right-wing extremists on the Supreme Court. 

“Anyone who cares about our country’s economic stability, or its ability to deliver basic services to its citizens, needs to pay attention to SEC v. Jarkesy. It is one of several cases sent straight from extreme, right-wing Fifth Circuit judges to extreme, right-wing Supreme Court justices, each with the goal of weaponizing our government in favor of the ultra-rich and powerful by preventing it from delivering for everyday Americans.

“For nearly a century, the Securities and Exchange Commission has existed to prevent the kind of market manipulation that our country saw before the Great Depression. Now, its future and its power to protect hard-working Americans from big corporations’ fraud, lies, and manipulation, is under threat.

“If the Supreme Court takes away the SEC’s power to carry out its mission by eliminating its Congressionally-delegated ability to adjudicate cases, the same could be true for any agency — whether its responsibility is to deliver Social Security and disability benefits or enforce environmental protections. 

“Powerful right-wing donors like Leonard Leo and his Federalist Society aren’t waiting till the next election to implement their radical, right-wing vision for our country: they’re hard at work right now moving it through our judicial system. 

“Six justices hold the power to reshape our government so it works better for the rich. They and their allies hope no one notices their attacks on the basic services seniors and families rely on until it’s too late–but United for Democracy and our partners will keep shining a spotlight on this extreme Supreme Court’s bias and corruption.”

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