United For Democracy Responds to Supreme Court on Rahimi Ruling

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Stasha Rhodes, Campaign Director of United for Democracy, issued the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Rahimi:

“For months, while the MAGA justices debated an extreme gun case based on a flawed legal theory, millions of Americans waited with bated breath to learn whether or not their rights and basic safety would be further undermined. While the Supreme Court ultimately ruled that domestic abusers can be disarmed, that does not mean their gun rulings have all of a sudden become reasonable. Today’s ruling comes just a week after the Court overturned a ban on bump stocks, paving the way for weapons of war to proliferate in our communities.

“This is not a Court that is suddenly on the side of common sense gun regulations, this is a Court that is finally forced to confront the dangerous mess it made in its previous cases that allowed a flood of weapons into our communities. The MAGA-controlled Supreme Court does not get applause for doing the bare minimum. As a matter of fact, it’s time to hold them accountable for creating the legal landscape in which freedom from the threat of gun violence became an aspiration rather than a given in the United States of America.

“The majority of Americans, of all backgrounds, support common sense solutions to keep our communities safe from gun violence, which is why special interest groups and NRA-backed politicians have been working to capture the courts and move lawmaking out of the public arena — insulating it in the judiciary and away from the will of the people.”

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